Maybe I'm too illusive to be intriguing,
rather a bore, you seem dismissive,
or maybe I'm misreading signals
and launching insecure conclusions from the safety of my side of the couch.
Maybe these problems aren't really problematic because I've got all the solutions.
To take action, or remain submissive.
I've been overlooking the obvious
because I've circled my thoughts in so many questions around it.
Somehow, I still got this far.
The other side is only an arms distance anyhow.
17 March 2011
These lips have been moving for weeks,
no sounds, fumbling since the rug got pulled out from underneath.
We got stuck somehow with space between.
I fought for something uncertain,
because this time around feels different.
20 March 2011
There's something about the melancholic fall of rain that is unfailingly soothing.
It always sounds the same,
unchanged by these passing days, as I've been.
It cleanses,
and these days trickle out,
washed away into the streets,
disappearing as quickly as they came, no longer seen.
As they depart, I become new again.

21 March 2011
I never knew that I could shake you.
So cool,
calm and collected on the exterior.
I shattered something seamless
Just to examine its insides,
and hope that I like what I find.
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